Usually once or more each week, one of the GHF staff members has to make a run to the vet.
This could be for either routine procedures or for more serious or complicated surgeries, like Genie's recent surgery to repair her damaged legs.
We have a local vet that we typically use for spays, neuters, dentals, and other common/basic surgeries. This also includes vaccines.
If a dog, (like Genie) has a more complicated problem, the vet trip is usually much longer and can mean a drive to Cornell or a more specialized vet, capable of handling unusual or difficult cases.
GHF has a vehicle on-hand to be ready for both emergency and run-of-the-mill vet runs. If it's something the on-site staff can't handle, off to the vet we go!
Seen below are new girls Annie and Grace returning from basic dental procedures that they had done. They both rode well in the car and seemed to be happy to come back to GHF after being stuck at the vet!
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