at the farm would unanimously agree: our lives and perspectives have been
forever altered by the Sprakers dogs.
Many have
been adopted by their fosterers.
It has
been a remarkable experience to watch their journeys unfold and observe the
incredible progress they’ve made. Certainly the physical change is significant
and overpowering—as these dogs literally healed physically from the trauma and
neglect they suffered—but to feel and see the psychological and spiritual
healing of the Sprakers group is unforgettable. They seem lighter, their
spirits lifted; they no longer cower or flee in fearful anticipation.
most importantly however, they are actually becoming dogs. They run, bark, play, and frolic, as would a typical dog. Not
to say that these dogs are normal, and some never will be. But they, now
feeling the freedom provided by the farm, are able to truly let go and enjoy life,
rather than having to fight for survival and warmth.
To realize
where these dogs came from, and not only where they are now but what they have
ahead, a limitless future, is to reflect on true hardship and true potential. They
deserve utmost respect. If these dogs can overcome such a scarring and damaging
past, what paths can’t they tread in the future? We, as their guardians, will
route for them with hopeful eyes and eager hearts as their true personalities
unfold and they learn how to love, and we will continue to provide them with
nothing less than what they have shown us to be possible.
Here are some of their transformations. (From January 2014 to Summer 2014.)
Seen below are two other Sprakers dogs, Annie and Owen, enjoying the good life.